So, life in London has settled down some after a week of orientation and generally getting my bearings down. It's really a wonderful city, but that flushing noise you hear off in the distance is the sound of my bank account draining - ouch. The people are generally nice, if hardened city-types: iPod rocking, walking quickly, make no eye contact, and so on. I'm having trouble with the not-exactly-subtle fact that Brits drive on the wrong side of the road-- not because I have to drive, but because I keep looking the wrong way before crossing the street.
(I never want to drive in London. Ever. The whole of the city becomes quite literally one gargantuan parking lot and street-level transport becomes a guaranteed impossibility. It's difficult to describe the complete and total mob scene this city becomes during rush hours. Rail advocates, sing your hearts out. Metro/Pierce/Community Bus riders, I feel your pain, and then some. Sound Transit, get your act together and build some reliable trains already. But I digress.)
As I've written about before, I've grown fond of professional socc-- football. Now that I'm in a country that seems to take it seriously, I can fully indulge my fledgling passion for the sport. I've been offered tickets by some wonderful family friends to an Arsenal FC match, this coming Tuesday. I'll have pictures and a post about the (so I'm told) singularly unique experience of attending an English sporting event. I'm sure that I'm going to get a crash course in culture not soon forgotten.
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